
54/365: Pipe

Underneath Amboy Rd/Bridge. This is more of a snapshot, but it fascinates me. What were they thinking?

*After Lehua enlightened me on "witticism" I had to change the title for this post.


53/365: Wisps of You

Visitor Center. Shadows were adjusted to make the picture brighter.


47/365: Golden

Richmond Hill. Soon it will all be green again. Photo was cropped so there was less of the background included. Then contrast, highlight and the exposure were adjusted so the cattail fuzz would pop a bit more.


46/365: Mother Town of Cherokee

Kituwah. "Legends of Kituwah people say that the name was given after seven of the wisest men of the ancient Cherokees went to the highest peak and fasted for seven days and nights, asking the Creator for guidance. This peak is known today as 'Clingman's Dome.' One the seventh night of their fast, the Creator told them, 'You shall be Kituwah.'" (Benny Smith, The Keetoowah Society of Cherokee Indians, Masters Disseration, Northwestern State College, Alva, OK, 1967)

"The Eastern Band cultural office reports that 'This place wasn't just a town, this was the mother town, the place where the Cherokee began.'"

Highlights, shadows and contrast were adjusted. A couple of sun spots were also removed.


45/365: Thick & Thin, Black & Blue

Inspiration Point. I took out a branch that was hanging off the bottom wire. Obviously I couldn't come up with a name, so words were just linked together.


44/465: Inspiration

Cherokee. By luck Lehua and I stumbled upon this (more stumbling done by her). Cars stacked on top of cars. Discarded, forgotten, lost, art? It's sort of like Angkor Wat of the South...

The lighting was horrible when I took this photo. A lot of messing around with the photo at home was done. Boosted the color, adjusted the shadows and highlights, and cropping. It's as good as I get without going back another time of day. Road trip!


43/365: Fire Tower

Bearwallow Mtn. It's the blue and the yellow that does it for me. I wish the top of the trees weren't in the bottom of the picture (and that I did a better job centering the photo when I took it). I cropped the photo a bit to eliminate as much of the tree as possible, but to get it completely out I would have to use Photoshop. And I'm currently short on time. I may fix it and repost it at a later date...


42/365: Evening Cattails

Carrier Park. I like the picture, but there are a couple of things I would do differently next time. I'd have my tripod with me (it was in the car and I didn't think I'd make it back in time for there to be any light left) and I'd make the background less blurry. Because I freehanded it (pretty good when my shutter speed was 30) I had to go into iPhoto and adjust the shadows (the picture was pretty much just black before that). Then I also adjusted the exposure, saturation, definition and highlights to make the final result this.


41/365: Stumbled Upon

Random building we went into downtown. Cropped off the edge of the photo, used the spot healing brush to make two signs on the door disappear, adjusted the shadows, and made it sepia tone.


40/365: Wheat

I don't know what this plant is called, but it reminds me of wheat. I boosted the color and faded the edges using iPhoto.


39/365: Kermit's Cabin

Kermit's Cabin. This is a dilapidated cabin out in the woods by Kathy & David. Story is, Kermit used to live there. And then he died and so did the cabin. Some say there is bad juju out there. Although I didn't feel it, I did have a bad dream about the cabin as I was falling asleep.

I adjusted the shadows in this photo so that the foreground of the picture was more visible and framed the background a bit more.


38/365: Aglow

That special place in Brevard. I really like the sun rays in the photo. I could do without the sun spots, but I can't Photoshop all of them out...I tried a bit and succeeded with a sun spot on the log. To Photoshop all the other spots out not only requires more technique, but a lot of patience.



34/365: Dirt

Warrior Creek. Another mountain biking shot. I like this shot even though angle of the the trail is all wrong.


33/365: Seven AM

Haywood Rd. I wonder what those people in their cars thought when they saw me in my plaid pajama pants, crazy hair, and fuschia jacket standing by the Family Dollar with my camera and tripod at 7 AM. At times pointing the camera directly at them. I bet they were thinking, "Shit, I wish I didn't have to go to work."
